Welcome To Pregnancy Questions & Answers

The authoritative resource for information on conception, pregnancy, delivery and looking after your baby. Our team of midwives and doctors regularly review and update the advice to keep fully up to date with changes in research and practice. We hope you enjoy browsing, searching for answers, or even asking our team a question!
  Getting Pregnant
Getting Pregnant
Fertility, help in getting pregnant, conception and early pregnancy concerns

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  Your Prenatal Care
Your Prenatal Care
How to choose care, the questions to ask your midwife and doctor. Guiding you through the many scans and tests you may be offered, or want more information about.

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  Your Developing Baby
Your Developing Baby
How baby develops, grows and changes month-by-month from conception to term, becoming more mature, moving, passing urine and even breathing in the womb!

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  Your Changing Body
Your Changing Body
Physical and emotional changes in you, how they affect you, your relationship and family.

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  Staying Fit and Healthy
Staying Fit and Healthy
Ensuring the best condition for you and baby by looking after yourself, eating healthily, exercising and relaxing.

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  Issues in Pregnancy
Issues in Pregnancy
Common disorders in pregnancy; how you can identify problems and deal with them. Special situations and how to deal with things when they don’t go to plan.

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  The Birth
The Birth
Preparing for delivery-your choices; going to the hospital; the stages of labour; Caesarean and other types of delivery, pain relief and what to expect in labour.

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  The First Six Weeks
The First Six Weeks
Recovering from your delivery; going home and caring for baby; postnatal checks; feeding advice and enjoying your baby.

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