Can my partner deliver our baby?
Depends on the circumstances. Where all is going according to plan and your midwife has no objections why not? You can but ask...
Can my partner cut the umbilical cord?
What is the second stage of labour?
I have heard horror stories about forceps...I dread needing one.
How will I know if I''m pushing OK in the second stage?
What affects the length of the second stage?
Will I tear when the baby's head comes out?
Is there any difference between tearing and being cut?
How do I know I am in the second stage of labour?
Can you talk me through the actual birth?
Is there anything I can do to stop myself tearing or needing to be cut?
What is an ''assisted'' delivery, and why would I need one?
What happens if I am too tired to push my baby out?
Can I refuse an episiotomy (cut)?
Are there circumstances when they would just cut me without asking ?
Who will do the delivery if it needs to be assisted?
Will I be able to push if I have had an epidural?
What is an ''OP'' delivery?
Are my contractions the same in the second stage as they are in the first?
How much pain can I expect with an instrumental delivery?
I dislocated my coccyx (tailbone) when I was younger and was told that this will mean a smaller space for baby's head in labour. How concerned should I be?
Thursday, 12 September, 2024
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