Can I get pregnant if we are using the withdrawal method?
Yes, the withdrawal method is notoriously unreliable in preventing pregnancy as a small amount of semen usually leaks out before ejaculation.
The women in my family have had problems getting pregnant. Will this affect me?
Is having painful periods going to reduce my chances of getting pregnant?
Do irregular periods reduce my chances of getting pregnant?
My doctor told me that I have a ''retroverted womb''. Will a retroverted womb (uterus) affect my chances of getting pregnant?
I''m trying to get pregnant. How frequently should we be making love?
We are both over 30. Is this going to reduce our chances of conception?
Life is very stressful at the moment. Will this affect our chances of getting pregnant?
Could there be some bleeding when an egg is fertilized?
How soon after I have my coil out can I try to get pregnant?
If my fallopian tubes are blocked, would I still get a period?
Do I have to ovulate to get pregnant?
Both my fallopian tubes have been removed, can I still get pregnant?
What can reduce my chances of getting pregnant?
How can I find out when I am ovulating?
I was told that my fallopian tubes are blocked-what does this mean?
What does artificial insemination mean?
When is artificial insemination an option?
If I take fertility drugs, does that mean that I am more likely to have twins or triplets?
I''m very worried about ectopic pregnancy; what is it?
Is it possible to have a period after I think I conceived?
I had an ultrasound which showed a simple walled cyst in the ovary. Will this affect my chances of getting pregnant?
Can pelvic inflamatory disease (PID) cause infertility?
Are home pregnancy kits any good?
Will getting pregnant on the pill affect the baby?
What is a hysterosalpingogram (HSG)?
When should I stop taking the pill?
What can reduce my chances of getting pregnant?
I had a miscarriage 6 weeks ago. When can I try again?
I had a Caesarean three months ago, how long should I leave it before trying to get pregnant again?
How do I find out if I''m pregnant?
How do I date my pregnancy, so I know when I''m due?
Am I at risk of having an ectopic pregnancy?
Does preimplantation diagnosis (PGD) affect my baby?
We have been trying for a baby for a long time, when should we consult a doctor?
How can I find out when I am ovulating?
I was told that my fallopian tubes are blocked-what does this mean?
What happens when my partner has a sperm test?
What is artificial insemination?
When is artificial insemination an option?
What are the dangers of drugs to help me ovulate?
We have been told that IVF is our only option. How do we get this?
Does having an IVF baby mean that my pregnancy is high risk?
How soon after having unprotected sex would would I be able to find out if I''m pregnant?
I had regular period after unprotected intercourse last month, but have missed my period this month, does this mean I am pregnant?
My progesterone level is low and I'm about 6 weeks pregnant. Should my doctor prescribe progesterone suppositories for me?
What diseases have been diagnosed by preimplantation genetic diagnosis PGD?
What´s the postcoital test (PCT)?
We have been told that IVF is our only option. How do we get this?
Does having an IVF baby mean that my pregnancy will be any different from everyone else''s?
My periods are very irregular every 39 days. What days should I have intercourse to try and conceive?
I'm trying to get pregnant using an ovulation kit. To time intercourse so that I'm most likely to get pregnant, I would like to know how long sperm stays alive inside the vagina?
How long will it take me to get pregnant again if I only have one fallopian tube?
Can I tell if I''m pregnant after 5 days?
I heard that if you have sex close to ovulation you will most likely have a boy, but I would like a little girl. What are my chances?
I''m on the pill and my latest period has been different: dark bleeding and I feel sick...could I be pregnant?
I stopped the pill 3 months ago and have had irregular periods. How accurate is a home ovulation kit for timing sex?
How soon can you tell if a woman is pregnant? Can you tell as early as one week?
Is it true that women should not pee immediately after sex if they want to become pregnant? My friend told me that that''s the reason why I am not getting pregnant?
While I am taking birth control pills would a pregnancy test come up positive?
I am 44 years old and when I had a tubal ligation, I was told I could still get pregnant. Is that true?
I had my left fallopian tube removed due to a tubal pregnancy. what are my chances of conceiving again with only 1 fallopian tube? And is there any type of medication that can force my right side to ovulate each month?
Can I be pregnant if I was only on my period for one day and it has always normally lasted about 6 or 7 days?
I have irregular periods, and am trying to conceive. Sometimes I miss my period for two months at a time. When should I have apregnancy test?
I am about 5 weeks and am experiencing some mild abdominal cramping and a light brown blood discharge - is this normal or could this be the beginning of a miscarriage?
I recently got my period, but it was a day late and quite lighter than normal. However, later that day and the days that followed there was no sign of it. I also took a home pregnancy test and it came out positive. Is there anyway that I could be pregnant even though I got what seemed like my period?
I had a cone biopsy 10 years ago. Will this interfere with conception?
Is it possible to get pregnant if we have had sex when I''m having my period?
If we would like a spring baby, when do I need to stop birth control?
What are some easy, non-prescription methods of increasing my chances of conception?
Can I get a period when I am pregnant?
Can you get pregnant while on the combined pill (COCP)?
Why is it that some women''s urine pregnancy tests come back negative but they are still pregnant?
I''m 46 and my periods don''t come regularly. What are the chances of getting pregnant after my cycle stops?
I've recently had a miscarriage. Can I get pregnant right away or just when my period comes?
I have an irregular cycle and have been menstruating for about 5 days. I've had unprotected sex 3 of those 5 days. Is there the possibility that I am pregnant?
Is it possible to get pregnant after you''ve stopped bleeding from a miscarriage?
Is sex 10 days after finishing my last period too soon to get pregnant, as I have a 28 day cycle?
I have blocked fallopian tubes. Can they be cleaned out or fixed in some way?
Does having a ''lap and dye'' Fallopian tube test done increase my chances of getting pregnant?
I've just missed my period and the pregnnacy test is positive. But I'm spotting-is this normal?
My husband is using an anabolic steroid. Will this affect my chances of getting pregnant?
My period is not due for 2 more weeks but I am feeling nauseous. We had sex when the ovulation kit indicated. Could I be pregnant?
I stopped taking the birth control pill 3 months ago and since then my periods have been completely irregular and I''ve had unprotected sex. How can I know if I''m pregnant or when my period might come?
I had my baby 6 months ago and haven't had a period since. I've just done a home pregnancy test and it was positive. Is this possible?
I am currently taking clomid (clomiphene) and my doctor said I would ovulate on day 12 of my cycle, but according to the test I didn''t ovulate until day 16. Is this normal?
What exactly happens when I have a period (menstruate?
Is there a such thing as a pill that makes you very fertile in that you can have a child within a couple of months?
Would my very irregular periods affect my chances of getting pregnant?
If I have irregular periods, is it possible to get pregnant even when I haven't had a period for many weeks?
Are their any over the counter drugs I can take to regulate my periods?
I had sex 2 weeks ago and have started spotting, very light brown for 3 days. Could I be pregnant and can I get an accurate result from a test yet?
I am currently taking the birth control pill to regulate my menstrual cycle, when should I stop taking the pill to get pregnant?
I had a miscarriage 6 weeks ago. When will I get my periods back?
I was on Depo Provera when I was 16 and now have irregular periods. Could Depo make me infertile because we have mow been trying for 2 years without success?
My husband and i have been trying to have a baby for over 1 year now. There is no history of infertility in either of our families. Is it possible that either one of us is or are we just not timing it right?
What causes poor quality sperm?
How does clomiphene work?
I had a ectopic pregnancy that ruptured and was told that I wouldn''t be able to concieve-I''m not sure if I lost a tube or an ovary. I want to know if there is any possible way that I can get pregnant naturally?
I have been on the combined pill for 10 years and been told that I could have problems gettting pregnant. Is that true? Does it matter how long you have been on the pill?
Is it possible to get aching and discomfort in your lower abdomen around the time of ovulation?
Is it possible to get pregnant when having an irregular menstural cycle? I haven''t had a period in 6 months.
I did a home pregnancy test and the line came up very faint positive. Does this mean I am only a few days pregnant?
I'm 28 and have had irregular cycles for many years. I was taking birth control for over a year off and on to regulate my cycles. Is there anything else I can take to regulate my periods as I want to get pregnant?
How long do you have to wait for your periods to restart after getting off the birth control pill?
If I was an egg donor last month and am trying to conceive. What is the likelihood that I will get pregnant?
I had unprotected sex two days after my period was over. Can I get pregnant that soon
Is there anyway I can raise my chances to conceive a boy?
My doctor says I don't ovulate. Is there something I can do to make this happen besides taking drugs?
We are trying to get pregnant for the second time. Does using k-y jelly reduce my chances of getting pregnant?
How long after the coil being taken out can you fall pregnant?
Can a pap smear show an unknown pregnancy?
I had a tubal ligation done years ago and then recently had both my tubes removed because of an ectopic pregnancy. Is there a chance of me getting pregnant?
I missed my period and the took a home pregnancy test it came back negative. Could I still be pregnant?
I have been told that I only have one ovary (the other one is missing completely) and have read that the the ovary ovulates alternately. Does this mean that I only have the opportunity to conceive every other month ?
Can I get pregnant by having intercourse immediately after my period finished?
I "felt" pregnant immediately after intercourse. Is it possible that women can "feel" pregnant and be pregnant before any symptoms actually occur?
I had pelvic inflammatory disease 3 times and have been trying to conceive for about a year and a half now-do I need to see a Doctor?
How do you conceive when you have a 22 day cycle?
How possible is it to become pregnant the day before my period is due?
Can I get pregnant if I have sex during my period?
If I have irregular periods, how would I know if I am pregnant?
Can I have a baby if I only have one ovary?
I have been diagnosed with blocked tubes. How then do I have a period each month?
Can you have symptoms of pregnancy at time of conception?
What happens if the egg is fertilised but doesn't attach itself to the uterus?
How long can sperm last in the womb?
Is it true that the more boys you have the chances of having a girl decrease?
If I've been having unprotected sex but have had my period for the last 2 months, could I be pregnant?
Can you get pregnant after a tubal ligation?
I'm on depo-provera-can I get pregnant while on my period?
I've got two wombs-does this affect my chances of getting pregnant naturally?
How long after a miscarriage can a pregnancy test still be positive?
Is just a drop of semen enough to lead to pregnancy?
I used to have a regular 28 day cycle, but since having my first child, my cycle is from 25 to 28 days. How can I tell when I am ovulating?
I have just started taking chlomiphene but have no periods-will they still work?
Why did the morning after pill not work-I am now pregnant?
Is it possible to get pregnant between stopping depo-provera and waiting for the next period?
I gave birth 6 months ago, stopped breastfeeding 1 month ago and have had no signs of a period yet somehow I am pregnant again. How is this possible if I have not been ovulating?
Can you only get pregnant when ovulating?
Can you get pregnant again if you have intercourse before you actually have the baby you are pregnant with?
Can you get pregnant again if you have intercourse before you actually have the baby you are pregnant with?
I'm 44 and have regular periods. Is there anyway to tell if an egg has actually been released as we have been trying to get pregnant again for about 6 months?
I took depo-provera for a year, but haven't had it for 7 months now. How would I know if I'm pregnant if I don't have a period?
I am taking clomiphene (clomid). How long should it take me to be get pregnant?
Is it 28 days from the start of your period to when your next period is due?
Can I have a baby after having three miscarriages?
When you ovulate, does each ovary take it in turns to release an egg?
Is it possible to ovulate and not get a period?
How can I get pregnant with my left tube and half of my right tube removed?
Can I get pregnant if I'm not ovulating?
My husband has an abnormal sperm count and after a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test, we found that I have a blocked tube. Should I even bother with IUI treatment?
I had my tubes tied 4 years ago and now I want another baby. Can I still get pregnant?
If I am said to be 24 weeks pregnant, does that mean I conceived 22 weeks ago?
Can you get pregnant if you had sex on the day you ovulated?
How can I tell if both ends of my tubes are blocked and filled with fluid?
Is it possible to fall pregnant from pre-ejaculation?
Can you feel pregnant a few days after ovulation?
Does having blocked fallopian tubes make your periods lighter?
I have been diagnosed with PCOS and I am currently taken Provera to encourage my periods. Will I still ovulate while taking this medicine even with the PCOS or will ovulation not occur due to the PCOS?
Can a person be pregnant for more than a year?
At my HSG dye x-ray the nurse could not continue as she could not get the catheter tube through my cervix, which I believe is not uncommon. However, how would I have IVF treatment through my cervix as the procedure is similar?
I've been trying to get pregnant for a year and have a irregular periods. I had gonorrhea and trichomonas when I was younger. Can that prevent me from becoming pregnant?
I am on the mini pill but was late taking a few. Is it possible I could be pregnant?
How soon can my wife do a home pregnancy test after IVF embryo transfer?
I had an etopic pregnancy in 2005 and the removed my right fallopian tube and she noted that the left tube is clubbed. I've been trying to get pregnant for 3 years. Do I need to see an OBGYN for tests?
How long does conception take from the time of intercourse?
I stopped taking the pill over 6 months ago and had two consecutive periods in the 3rd and 4th months but nothing since. Can you only use an ovulation kit if you have been having regular periods?
If a typical cycle is 28 days and ovulation is typically on day 14, then if my cycle is usually 34 days long, is it accurate to say that my ovulation will then be on day 17 ?
We've been trying for a baby but had no joy. Could I have IVF and how much does it cost?
Up to which age a healthy woman can conceive? If my wife gets pregnant after 38 and what are the complications at that age?
Are the chances of becoming pregnant higher in the days before a period or days after?
I had a tubal reversal done and was told that my fallopian tubes are 4.5cm long. Even though they are short could I still conceive?
Can hydrotubation fully open blocked tubes and what is the pregnancy rate?
I have one fallopian tube that is blocked and one that isn't. Would this cause me to only ovulate every other month?
I've just had a 5 day blastocyst transfer. Is an over the counter pregnancy test one week later reliable?
If my ovaries have been removed, can I still get pregnant?
We are having unprotected sex in the two-three days before my period every month, is there any chance of pregnancy?
I'm 7 weeks pregnant and my doctor has me on progesterone suppositories. Is this normal since my levels are normal?
I've just had an operation to remove my tube due to an ectopic pregnancy and have now found that the other tube is scarred, I have damage to one ovary and also a bulky retroverted uterus. Is there a chance ever to conceive naturally or will I need help by IVF?
If my scan dates say I am 38 weeks pregnant, does this mean I actually conceived about 36 weeks ago?
I had a baby 6 weeks ago and had sex 2 weeks after baby was born. How can I tell if I might be pregnant again and how soon after having a baby do you get your period?
Can we still conceive naturally with poor sperm morphology (6% normal forms)?
If the womb is removed, am I still able to ovulate?
Before getting my tubes tied can I give them to someone who doesn't have tubes so they can have a child?
I had unprotected sex a day before I started my period. But my period is not normal and only lasted for a day. Could I be pregnant?
I'm a single mum and my son's dad is claiming that he has a low sperm count. Could this be possible?
How long does sperm stay in your body? Is it possible for it to drain out if I go to the toilet?
Do you release an egg everytime you ovulate, is it possible to ovulate but not release an egg?
I just had my coil out-can I get pregnant immediately?
I missed three contraceptive pills in a row, and had an emergency contraceptive pill on my GP's advice, however I've now missed my period, although a pregnancy test came up negative. Could I be pregnant?
I have just had one of my tubes removed due to an ectopic pregnancy - if I have another one and the other tube is removed - can I still have a baby via IVF?
Can you get pregnant on your period?
I've been late with my period twice now (2 months apart) and was experiencing "pregnancy" symptoms, but then got my period. My husband had a vasectomy one year ago - is my body rejecting the egg because it isn't perfect?
Would I get my period if I was pregant while taking medroxyprogesterone?
I have been having unprotected sex for a year and a half and I still have not got pregnant. I am worried that there may be something wrong but am too scared to go to my doctor to find out. I don't want to be told that I will not be able to have children. What should I do?
What happens when an egg is fertilised by a sperm. I know that if the egg is not fertilized it causes the uterus to thicken and bleeding happens. But if it is fertilized, will that egg move to the womb and my periods stop?
Doctors say they removed my womb (uterus). Would there be any possibility of me getting pregnant?
Sunday, 12 January, 2025
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