If something goes wrong
Should something go wrong with you-or baby-you must have the highest quality information and advice to enable you to make decisions that are informed, and that you won’t regret
Do I have to rest for a week after an amnio?
What is a genetic condition?
What are the common chromosome abnormalities?
What is HELLP syndrome?
On my scan, the sonographer thought my baby might have talipes...what''s this?
I''m 35 weeks pregnant and I have noticed since yesterday that the baby doesn''t seem to be moving much. What does this mean?
What is the chance of my baby surviving if he is born at 29?
I've had a CVS (chorion villus sampling)last week at 12 weeks because of a raised nuchal measurement & absence of nasal bone. The rapid chromosome test (which checks for trisomy 21-Down's syndrome, trisomy 18-Edwards syndrome and trisomy 13 Patau's syndrome) came back normal but I'm waiting for the full test. What does it mean if the nasal bone is absent?
I'm 39 years old and 29 weeks. The amniotic fluid is 18.4 cm, my blood pressure is normal and scan shows two arteries & one vein of the umbilical cord. The doctors are saying that the baby could have birth defect. Can the pregnancy be continued?
I'm 29 weeks pregnant. If baby comes early what are the chances of survival?
I have read a lot about incompetent cervix and that you wouldn't know anything was wrong until it was too late. Should I be worried-I am 19 weeks pregnant?
My baby was confirmed as Down's Syndrome from a CVS with nuchal fluid levels of 8.7mm. What is the impact of nuchal fluid levels (NT) on abnormalities? What do high NT levels really mean for a baby with Down's?
I have just found out that my unborn baby has an AVSD. What are the percentages of her having Down's?
Sunday, 8 September, 2024
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