Looking after “high-risk” pregnancy
What makes a pregnancy “high risk”-your age, weight, or a pre-existing medical condition? What happens if you develop high blood pressure, or diabetes? Find out more…
What is eclampsia?
Why is it important to know if I am HIV positive in pregnancy?
If I get toxoplasmosis, does this mean that my baby will be affected?
What is placenta praevia?
If I have a placenta praevia, do I have to be confined to bed in hospital until I have the baby?
Is it safe to have an X-ray if I'm trying for a baby?
What is a cervical stitch?
Am I more likely to develop thrombosis or blood clots when I am pregnant?
What is sickle cell disease?
Do I have to be delivered early if I have had IVF?
What is anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS)?
How can rhesus disease affect my baby?
I'm rhesus negative and a blood test shows I've got rhesus antibodies. How can doctors tell if my baby is affected by rhesus disease?
Are there placental problems besides praevia and separation which can be seen with ultrasound? Should severe blood clots in the placenta be visible?
I think I might be pregant and we both have sickle cell trait. What can be done to prevent the baby from having the severe form of the diease?
At 14 weeks pregnant, I had a gush of water with bleeding and cramping. The doctors told me I had a tear in the placental membranes. What are the chances of my pregnancy being OK?
I lost my baby last year at 18 weeks from cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. I''m pregnant again-what is the risk of my baby developing the same problem?
I suffered from cholestasis of pregnancy in my previous pregnancy. What are the risks of the condition, and is it likely to happen again?
I'm 36 wks and my baby's breech. Can I have the baby turned (external cephalic version-ECV) even if I've had a previous Caesarean?
Can I still carry my baby if I am told that the placenta is covering the cervix?
I had a Caesarean Section with my first son, due to pre-eclampsia. What are the risks of me having another c-section or pre-clampsia?
I'm at 38 weeks and the baby's size suggests it stopped growing at 33 week fetal size. Should I be concerned?
I was only 25 weeks pregnant when I went into labour and gave birth to my daughter. What are the risks of a second pre term birth?
What does it feel like if your blood pressure goes up really high from pre-eclampsia?
I'm 33 weeks pregnant and my waters went at 32 weeks. When will baby be born?
I am 36 weeks pregnant, have a Caesarean booked for 39 weeeks and have been confirmed as leaking amniotic fluid over the past 2 days. What happens next?
I am 28 weeks pregnant and today the amniotic fluid was above the 95th centile on the scan. The doctor said I was in serious danger of going into premature labour-what could be wrong?
I've had three Caesareans and am now 28 weeks pregnant. I'm in hospital because I had some bleeding and the placenta is stuck over the scar. What does this mean?
Is a blood clot in me during pregnancy harmful to the baby?
I'm 33 weeks pregant and my cervix has dilated to 3 cm...is this to early to have a baby?
When is a cervical cerclage (stitch) necessary?
I have a ventricular septal defect (VSD). What are the risks to me in pregnancy, and the chances of my baby having the same condition?
I'm 5 weeks pregnant with high blood pressure and recently had a Cauda Equina operation where my L4 disc was removed. Could this have something to do with high blood pressure?
I had a pulmonary embolism and am 25 weeks. Will the treatment for this interfere with my pregnancy?
I am 32 weeks and scan showed low Amniotic fuid. My blood pressure is normal and blood flow to baby is also good. Also I have not observed any fluid leak. How can this be possible?
I am suffering from low amnotic fluid (38 weeks). Will I be allowed to go over my due late?
I'm 28 wks pregnant and have just found out my son has slapped cheek disease and have heard this can be dangerous for my unborn baby. What is the chance of it affecting my baby?
I am 20 weeks pregnant and have genital herpes will it affect my baby?
Both my Rubella IgG and IgM tests are positive. Does this mean my pregnancy at any risk?
I am a severe asthmatic and have an overwhelming fear of having an asthma attack during child birth. Should I ask to schedule a C-Section?
What is polyhydramnios?
We're trying for our second child, our first daughter was born 8 weeks premature 7 years ago. What are the chances of having another premature birth? At the time of her birth I was given no reasons as to why she came so early so I am unaware of any medical conditon that caused a premature birth.
If I took "Cytotec" at may early pregnancy and now am 4 months; does it affect the baby?
What is pre-eclampsia?
I've had 2 Caesareans before and now I want a normal labour. Can I be induced?
Sunday, 8 September, 2024
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