Common conditions
Nosebleeds, morning sickness, constipation, feeling faint and even headaches are all frequent complaints but can be very uncomfortable and unpleasant for you; many can be managed relatively simply at home.
Why does a placental abruption happen?
I've had genital herpes before. What happens if I get it again when I am due to give birth?
Is it normal to suffer from backache in pregnancy?
Why am I having nosebleeds?
My discharge seems heavier now I''m pregnant; is it safe to wear panti-liners?
I need to pass urine all the time and when I go I can only pass a tiny amount. Why is this?
People say I should feel tired now I am pregnant, but how tired should I be?
Why am I so tired all the time if I''m barely pregnant?
What can I do about the tiredness?
Why can I not sleep since getting pregnant?
I think I have ''morning sickess'' but I feel like I could be sick all the time, why is this? Is it serious?
What can I do to help myself when I feel sick?
Why do pregnant women get heartburn and indigestion and what exactly are they?
How can I deal with heartburn and indigestion?
My mouth permanently feels full of saliva. I think that''s what makes me feel sick. What can I do?
I only want to eat certain foods which I wouldn''t normally touch. Why?
Now that I am pregnant I cannot bear the taste of coffee which I used to love. Why?
My vaginal discharge smells strange. Do I need to see someone, or can I use the cream the chemist gave me the last time?
Can diabetes develop for the first time in pregnancy?
I have had some bleeding and have been told that the placenta is low-lying. Is the blood from me or the baby?
What is anaemia?
I get a shooting pain on my right hip that goes all the way down my leg. What''s wrong with me?
I have developed piles; what can I do?
What is ''group B strep''?
What are the chances of my baby surviving if he is born prematurely?
What is an abruption of the placenta? Is it dangerous?
My discharge is heavy, have I got an infection?
I'm 10 weeks pregnant and have had bad morning sickess for 5 weeks all day long. But suddenly last week, the morning sickness stopped and I feel great. Is something wrong?
I have hot flushes, why?
I suffer from digestion problems. Why?
I seem to have tummy cramps; what causes this?
Every week my legs are getting more swollen and uncomfortable; is this normal?
I seem to have low backache most evenings. Is this a sign of labour?
For the past two days it''s been stinging when I pass water and I have been going much more frequently-is this normal?
I think I wet myself sometimes, but worry that it could be my waters breaking, what should I do?
Is it usual to have abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding at 8 weeks of pregnancy?
I was told my placenta was ''low'' at my 20 week scan. Will I need a Caesarean?
Since becoming pregnant, I seem to suffer with constipation. Why?
I fainted this morning, for the first time. Is this because I am pregnant?
I suffer from terrible restless amd twitchy legs from around in the evening which makes going to sleep impossible. Can you recommend anything to ease the twitches as it's driving me mad?
I am suffering badly at the moment with cramp, particularly in my calves, Is this normal?
What can I do to allievate the cramp occuring?
I seem to need to pass urine all the time, but when I go it''s only a tiny amount. Why is this?
I seem to be constantly itching since getting pregnant, is there something wrong?
Why should I feel tired if I am anaemic?
I''ve got epilepsy and have been taking tablets for years. Will this affect my chances of getting pregnant?
Can the epilepsy tablets I''m taking affect the baby?
I have recurrent thrush (candida). Can this be treated in pregnancy?
What are the symptoms of placental abruption?
I am 10 weeks pregnant and I have light bleeding for three days. There were no blood clots or tissue. I would like to know if this is a cause for concern?
I'm approaching 33 weeks pregnant and my baby is still not head down - the midwife suspects he is lying transversely. I have been told to do a few exercises, and if this doesn't work then the doctors can turn the baby at 36 or 37 weeks. Is this safe?
I am five and a half weeks pregnant, and I experienced some spotting after intercourse. Is this normal?
I am 21 weeks pregnant and have tender breasts. Today I noticed a small lump in my right breast-should I be worried?
I''m 9 weeks and very depressed about my constant nausea. When will it go away & does it go away overnight?
What can I do about oedema? I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands from the swelling and now my ankles are becoming uncomfortable.
I started spotting last night, it is not a lot but it is scaring me. what does this mean? what should I do about it?
I am going to the dentist to get a root canal finished. I know this is going to be painful; can I take pain-killing pills?
I get up every morning with a runny nose and sneeze almost all day long. I''ve been told this is rhinitis of pregnancy-what is it?
I have an excessive amount of red blood cells in my urine. Could I be pregnant?
I've discovered I am about 5 weeks pregnant but have severe cramping pains-is this normal?
I just found out that I am about 5 weeks pregnant but I have been cramping menstral type cramps. What is going on?
I''m 36 weeks and have an oblique lying baby. Will he move or will this affect my birth?
I''m 12 weeks and I''ve just had vaginal bleeding that had soaked through my clothes, but no pain. What could this mean?
Since I''ve become pregnant, I have discovered blister like blemishes on my vagina. When they dry up and fall off I have bleeding. Should I be concerned?
I''m pregnant and have a vaginal yeast infection, what should I do?
I am 8 weeks pregnant and have been experiencing mild cramping and some spots of fresh red blood when I went to the bathroom. Have I miscarried?
Could high blood pressure be caused by the baby pushing on my arteries?
I am 8 weeks pregnant and after going to the bathroom, I have a light pink vaginal discharge when I wipe. Should I be worried?
Can pain-killing drugs be taken in pregnancy?
Can I take over the counter sleeping pills? I am 12 weeks and having a hard time sleeping.
How can you tell if the baby has "dropped" and when does this usually happen?
I am 34 weeks and only mesure 30cm. Can something be wrong?
I'm 28 weeks pregnant and have very bad varicose veins in my genital area...will they go away after birth?
I'm 28 weeks-is it normal to have clear fluid loss from my vagina?
I'm 29 weeks and I think I have a pile inside my vagina-is this normal?
When I go to the bathroom to pass urine, it isn't yellow but instead a brown colour. What does this mean?
Is heartburn a sign of early pregnancy?
My doctor told me I was anaemic and baby could get short of oxygen. Can this cause any birth defects or brain damage for the baby?
I'm 13 weeks pregnant and have just noticed some blood when I was there something wrong?
I am 10 weeks pregnant and my urine is extremely cloudy, is this normal?
I'm 14 weeks pregnant with a splitting headache. Is ibuprofen OK to take?
I'm 34 weeks pregnant and my fingers are this serious?
When I wake up in the night I have pains between my shoulder blades and inside my chest, but it goes when I get up. Is it something to worry about?
I'm 20 weeks and can't always feel baby move-is there something wrong?
What does it mean when blood is found in your urine?
I am 28 weeks pregnant and not feeling many movements from the baby move-could something be wrong?
I have a sharp pain after passing urine but this is alleviated by sitting down.What could this be?
I am 6 weeks pregnant and took a cough remedy containing Phenylephrine last week. Have I put my baby risk?
I'm 22 weeks and had vaginal herpes 3 years ago. Will I need special tests or even a Caesarean Section?
I've been found to carry group B streptococcus and have had quick labours in the past. When I go into labour, will I & baby get antibiotics in time?
I am 15 weeks pregnant and have dark green watery stools and am taking iron supplements and vitamins-is this normal?
I'm 34 weeks pregnant and baby is in pressing into my ribs, which is making it hard for me to breathe. What can I do?
Are nose bleeds common during pregnancy?
I'm 28 weeks pregnant and I had vaginal bleeding. Scans show that baby's growing normally, the cervix is closed and the placenta is high-what's causing the bleeding?
Can I take an antacid for heartburn at 5 weeks of pregnancy?
Can you give me any tips on how to help turn a breech baby?
What should I do if baby is moving less than usual 27 weeks pregnant?
My urine has been dark and/or cloudy for around 8 weeks. My urine sample showed traces of blood and protein but my midwife said I should wait for another 6 weeks to give another sample before I worry about it. Should I insist that it gets checked out?
Are antibiotics and cough medicines safe in pregnancy?
What does it mean if you are told there is too much amniotic fluid?
I'm 11 weeks pregnant and have very bad vomiting for almost 2 months. What can I do?
Can constipation or piles cause bleeding?
I have been given trimethoprim for my urine infection. Is it safe?
I have a purple circle round my belly-button which looks like bruises. What can this be?
I am currently 32 weeks with my second baby and he's moved into a transverse position. My midwife isn't optimistic about the chances of him moving head down as he is quite a big baby, and seems to be quite "wedged in" at the minute as I have a hard lump at each side of my bump! I'm trying lots of different things to move him such as pelvic tilts, using gym ball and having reflexology. What are the chances of him still moving at this stage? Any other advice/tips on how to move him myself? What are the chances of an ECV being successful with a transverse baby (I am not at all keen on the idea of one!)?
I'm 20 weeks pregnant with our third baby, last night I woke up in the middle of the night with soaking wet underwear and pyjama pants. What would be the cause of this, it's never happened to me before?
Is it normal not feel baby move for over 24 hours?
I've noticed my vaginal discharge has turned a green colour but it is not itchy. Should I go to my doctor?
I have epilepsy and am taking medication called epilim (sodium valproate) and topamax (topiramate). Will this affect my chances of getting pregnant?
How can I stop myself being sick? I'm 9 weeks and can't take it anymore.
I'm 11 weeks pregnant and had a dark brown vaginal discharge which soaked my pants and got a heavy feeling in my abdomen. What does this mean?
Can breathlessness be a sign of pre-eclampsia?
Should I be concerned if morning sickness suddenly declines at 8 weeks? I am also starting to have more energy and not feeling pregnant. I already had 2 scans and I don't want to have a third if it's not necessary.
I'm 21 weeks pregnant and in the last 2 days my body has become very itchy. Soothing creams don't help. Do you have idea what it could be?
Is it normal to have an itchy rash around my anus that begins in the exterior of the vagina?
I'm 32 weeks pregnant and just been told that my babies abdominal circumference is above the 97th centile. What does this mean?
Being 6 months pregnant, does having a high fever put the baby at any risk?
I am 38 weeks pregnant and am measuring smaller than I did at 36 weeks. I have been referred for an urgent scan. What are the possible implications and will I be induced?
I've not felt baby move for a day and advised to drink orange juice. Why is this?
I am 18 weeks pregnant in my first pregnancy and just been informed that I have Strep B present in my urine. I'm very worried-what are the risks of this damaging the development of my unborn baby?
I had an operation with general anaesthetic a couple of weeks before conceiving. Would this have damaged my baby?
Is indigestion harmful to me or the baby?
At 34 weeks should I wake up every morning or in the middle of the night to wet panties?
I'm 19 and 10 weeks pregnant. My morning sickness has gone completely but I'm feeling extremely dizzy and tired, unable to keep my balance. It feels like a bad hangover which lasts all throughout the day. My blood pressure and heart rate etc are all normal. Is this common during pregnancy and what the cause could be?
My arms are going numb and tingling a lot. I'm 21 weeks and this is my third pregnancy. I have had this with every pregnancy, but this time it seems to happen a lot more and more intense. Is there anything I can do or should do to make this go away? What causes it?
I am 32 weeks pregnant and itching from head to toe with small bumps occuring mostly in the areas behind my knees, in my neck and all over my tummy. Could this be obstetric cholestasis?
What can I use to reduce fever during the first trimester of pregnancy?
I have protein in my urine. Why?
I am 10 weeks pregnant and I am leaking a clear fluid that soaked through my pants (it wasn't urine) and dripped down my knees. I am not sure if it is too early to be leaking amnionic fluid and if I should be concerned?
I am 30 weeks pregnant with my third child. and am having severe pelvic bone pain (where it feels as if someone has hit me with a baseball bat and broken my pelvic bone). It hurts to walk and within the last week it has become unbearable. Is this normal?
I am 36 weeks pregnant and my baby has not moved in over 2 hours. I'm concerned because she has always been very active. I've tried jiggling my stomach to wake her or stimulate movement for the past hour and have got no response. What should I do?
Please advise if antibiotics are useful for aginal bleeding in the first 3 weeks of pregnancy?
Sunday, 8 September, 2024
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