Finding out that you're pregnant
What to do and expect when the pregnancy test or scan shows you’re pregnant!
Why have I just had a period if the test said I''m supposed to be pregnant?
I''m 10 weeks pregnant. Will my sickness ever get better?
Why do I feel dizzy now I''m pregnant?
Does my life have to change now I am pregnant? I am worried that my partner may not like the new me and that I will not like my new life.
I worry that my children may not get on with the new baby, and I''ll end up feeling torn between them, what can I do?
Should I buy a ''pregnancy wardrobe'' now I know I''m pregnant or should I wait?
Since I found out about my pregnancy, I am happy about it but also feel a little bit down and depressed. Is that normal?
Will a pregnancy show on ultrasound scan at 4 weeks?
I think I''m pregnant. What should I do?
I''m worried all the time about silly things now that I''m pregnant. Is this normal?
Who do I have to tell that I''m pregnant?
I''m not sure about being pregnant; it wasn''t planned....can I talk to anyone?
I''m pregnant and I''ve got a coil in, will it harm the baby?
I took the morning after pill but am still pregnant. Will the baby be damaged?
I''m 32 this year. What are the risks of having a baby with Down''s?
Everyone assumes because I''m having the baby that I''m always pleased about it. This just isn''t true and I feel so abnormal. Will this change?
I worry all the time about the labour but it''s months away. What can I do?
All the tests and scans are fine but I still worry that my baby won't be normal. Why?
I am a single mum and worry about going through all this on my own. Will I cope?
I think I have morning sickess because I feel like I could be sick, but ALL the time, why is this? Is it serious?
Can I use the tablets that my Doctor gave me for acne now that I have this problem in pregnancy?
What are hormones and how do they affect me?
I''m 8 weeks and just don''t feel or look pregnant, is this normal?
I have a 4 month old son and have just found out that I am pregnant again. Obviously this is not the most sensible thing to have happened, but I'm determined to now make the best of it. What I am most concerned about is looking after myself because of the wear and tear on my body. I obviously intend to keep as fit as possible and to eat healthily but wondered if there are any other things you would suggest I do.
I am 6 weeks pregnant and having dark brown bloody discharge, but blood tests show that my hCG levels are doubling. Should I be worried?
My girlfriend has just found out she is 5 months pregnant and has been taking birth contol the whole time-what will the effect be on the baby and what should be done?
I had a miscarriage in in my last pregnancy and I am now seven weeks pregnant. My doctor has advised against sex for the next three months. Why is this?
Is sex after implantion harmful?
Can you be certain that you are pregnant at 5 weeks?
I am 5 weeks pregnant and my blood test shows a low progesterone level. I have been given vaginal progesterone suppositories; are they safe?
How can I work out my due date?
Can I still get my period if I am pregnant?
My boyfriend and I were "together" a few days after my last period finished then I had sex with someone else 2 weeks later. Now I'm pregnant-how can I tell how far along I am so I can tell who the father is?
How early can you find out if you are pregnant?
I got pregnant after after sex a day after a colposcopy examination. Coulld he acetic acid and iodine solutions used affect this pregnancy?
I am 12 wks days pregnant. I had a dating scan last week and everything was fine, but at the moment I don't really feel pregnant and my sickness is fading. Is this normal?
Is it normal for an ultrasound to show nothing at 4 weeks pregnant?
Is ultrasound always the most accurate way to date the pregnancy?
Could the due date that my scan gave me be wrong if I know exactly when I conceived?
Would undergoing treatment for abnormal cervical cells such as a LLETZ procedure affect a pregnancy test?
I have not been taking prenatal vitamins. Is my baby going to be OK?
I got pregnant the month after a miscarriage and D&C. Would I consider my "last period start date" the day I started bleeding or the day the actual D&C was done?
What is my due date if my blood hcg level is 779?
I took three different pregnancy tests. One was positive, and the other two were negative. I still haven't got my period and am about a week late. Am I pregnant?
I got pregnant through IVF and my IVF doctor calculated the Expected Delivery Date (EDD) one week different to the one my obstetrician and ultrasound results states. Who is right?
According to my last period I'm 11 weeks but when I had a blood test, the doctor told me im 16 weeks. Help!
I've just found out that am 5 weeks pregnant and am worried that I may have harmed my baby because I took ibuprofen and anadin extra tablets. What should I do?
I am 6 weeks pregnant and my mum is a fraternal twin, do I have a chance of getting twins too?
I am 5 weeks pregnant, and I am not feeling much at all. Is this normal, because I am getting nervous?
I'm about 4 weeks pregnant just went to the bathroom and there was a light pink discharge. Should I be concerned?
is minimal blood found in the cavity during an early ultrasound (I am 4 and a half weeks pregnant) a concern?
I am in the very early stages of pregnancy but had swab tests before I found out. Can this harm the baby?
I didn't know I was pregnant and drunk a couple of alcoholic drinks during and right after my ovulation cycle, is this bad for my baby or will my baby have any birth defects?
Sunday, 8 September, 2024
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