Diet and pregnancy
There’s so much advice over what you shouldn’t eat it’s often easy to forget what you can eat in pregnancy!
Is it safe to eat these things I crave?
Which herbal remedies can be used in pregnancy?
Why do we crave certain foods in pregnancy?
Can I diet now to try and get my weight down?
How much weight is the right amount to gain?
Why does my body need more iron now that I am pregnant?
How might I catch toxoplasmosis?
Where do I get the extra iron myself and the baby will need now, and at the end of the pregnancy?
I'm just past 14 weeks and have been taking the pregnacare tablets for pregnant women to make sure I'm getting enough folic acid. I know this is essential for the first 3 months but is it okay to keep taking it; should I take it; is it harmful to take too much now?
Before I knew I was pregnant, I drank a lot of alcohol. Will this harm the baby?
What are vitamins?
Is it safe to drink or eat honey when pregnant?
Does alcohol consumption in the days following conception but before pregnancy diagnosis affect the fetus?
I'm worried I may have harmed my baby. Before I knew I wasn't suppose to eat raw fish I had crab thinking it'd be good for the baby, since then I found out it can cause harm. I also had unpasteurised cheese and drank before I knew I was pregnant. I feel bad, do you think I could have harmed my baby? I'm ten weeks now.
My wife is 11 weeks pregnant and we have discovered that the take away food that we ate last night was out of date. Should we be concerned?
Is it safe for my baby if I have a glass of wine during pregnancy? If so how often?
How bad is coffee when you are pregnant?
I've been drinking green tea in early pregnancy and have just read that it can cause birth defects. Will my baby be OK and is green tea safe to drink in pregnacy?
I used cocaine in my first five weeks of pregnancy. Is this likely to have doen any damage, such as increased risk of fetal abnormalities?
Can I eat peanuts while pregnant?
I've just found out I'm pregnant and have been drinking a lot-last night I had two beers and two glasses of wine and last week I have a beer a day for five days. Have I already caused harm to my baby?
Can I drink red wine at 7 months pregnant?
My wife is 8 weeks and extremely worried as she was drinking one glass of wine a day two weeks before she found out she was pregnant. Will this have harmed the baby this early in pregnancy? Will we need to terminate the pregnancy?
Am I allowed to eat bananas whilst pregnant?
Can you take vitamin B12 while pregnant?
I found I had little appetite and was sick in the evenings after I had eaten dinner for most of the first 12 weeks. The result is I have lost a stone in weight and about two inches round my waist at the belly button. Should I be concerned, or is it just a case of trying to eat a bit more now? I'm finding fruit and vegetables particularly appetising, but still don't have a huge appetite.
I was on magnesium supplements before I got pregnant. When I found out I was pregnant I swapped to a calcium/magnesium supplement. But it still has a high magnesium content (1000mg a day). Is there anything wrong with taking so much magnesium while I'm pregnant?
I am 26 weeks pregnant and forgot to take my folic acid for about 7-10 days. Is there any harm in this?
Before I realised I was pregnant, I drank wine on a couple of occasions. Have I done any damage to my baby?
Is it safe to drink hot water in pregnancy?
I'm five weeks pregnant and when I eat curry sauce I get very bad pains in my stomach. Is it true you can't eat curry sauce while your pregnant?
I am allergic to dairy products so take calcium with vitamin D supplements. Is it safe to continue to do so during my pregnancy?
What are the chances of having a child with fetal alcohol syndrome as a birth defect? does it run in families?
Is it ok to eat seafood in pregnancy?
Sunday, 8 September, 2024
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