Optimizing your condition
How to get yourself and your partner in the best condition-both physically and emotionally-for a pregnancy
My mother said that she nearly died of toxaemia when she had me. Does this mean that I am going to get it?
What is 'pre-conception care' and isn''t it just some people who need it?
What can I improve on before I get pregnant?
Will smoking affect my pregnancy?
Where can I get maternity clothes?
Do I need special underwear?
I am five weeks pregnant and initially had very sore breasts but now they aren't sore at all...is this OK?
What''s a natural birth?
Do the hospital provide TENS machines?
I''m worried about having a Down''s baby...there are so many tests available. What is the difference between a screening and a diagnostic test?
What happens if I get so exhausted in labour that I can''t push the baby out?
Is it safe for me to eat out in restaurants when pregnant?
Should I overdose on vitamins to be really healthy?
What is cytomegalovirus (CMV)?
I have a regular menstrual cycle. How do I know when I am at the most fertile part of my cycle?
What is LH (luteinizing hormone)?
Can I still have sex?
How can I prepare for an active birth?
My partner has a low sperm count. What does this mean for my chances of getting pregnant?
What sort of medical check-up do I need before getting pregnant?
Where can we go to get Pre-Conception Care?
I recently had an abnormal cervical smear test. How will pregnancy affect this?
Can a cone biopsy of the cervix interfere with my pregnancy?
Is there anything special I should be eating when trying to get pregnant?
Do I need to take extra vitamins in supplement form?
Why do I need to take folic acid?
What the Professionals say: Preconception care: is it worth it?
What's the best age for me to try for a baby?
At my scan at the hospital, the doctor said my placenta was ''low''. Is this going to cause a problem in my pregnancy?
What do they look for at the booking or anomaly scan?
Is a breech delivery at term (37+ weeks) dangerous for me or the baby?
Can I find out what sex the baby is at my booking scan?
What is a Doppler scan?
What the Professionals say: Is ultrasound screening useful?
What is the difference between chromosomal, genetic and congenital abnormalities?
When are invasive tests offered?
Is prenatal diagnosis safe?
In my culture, it is very common for us to marry first cousins, and most of my Uncles and Aunts did. Can this cause birth defects?
What sort of things will be covered in antenatal classes?
Is it normal to have backache in pregnancy?
What can I do to alleviate the backache?
Why is folic acid important to take at around conception?
Can you give examples of natural pain relief I can use?
What is done to me at booking?
My sister had a baby with spina bifida. What is it and how can I prevent it happening to my baby?
What is a ''congenital'' abnormality
I am trying to conceive and we are using KY jelly as a lubricant. Is it true that it kills sperm?
I'm 30 years old and had one cone biopsy and two LLETZ biopsies. Do I have a chance of having a healthy pregnancy?
I had laser treatment on my cervix six months ago to remove lesions caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and my next pap smear revealed that the same thing had recurred. My Gynae tells wants to do a cone biopsy now, but says that if I want children, we should do it now, as the cone biposy can have detrimental effects on a pregnancy. Is it safe to leave during a pregancy?
I am taking folic acid 400mcg. I forgot to take one yesterday, should I double today''s intake?
How long should you wait after having a baby to get pregnant again? Are there any negative effects of having one baby after another?
The doctor said that I had a lesion on my cervix. Does it have more of a chance of turning into cancer now that I''m pregnant?
I want to have a baby but have had pre-cancer of the cervix-is this dangerous?
I have very long irregular periods, but all the blood test and scans have been OK. What could be the cause for this?
My husband takes a great deal of pills for headaches. Would that affect my chances of getting pregnant?
My wife just had an abnormal smear showing abnormal cells that could lead to cancer. The doctors would like to remove 1-2cm of the cervix. Is this going to interfere with her chance of getting pregnant again?
Is it OK to take antibiotics while trying to get pregnant?
I had cramping but no bleeding on the day I was supposed to start my period, but nothing happened. Could I be pregnant?
I stopped taking birth control and got my first non-pill period 33 days later. Should my cycles be normal now?
I have mild CP (cerebral palsy) and was wondering if this could complicate the artificial insemination process?
A few years ago I was told by my doctor that I had a tilted womb. What does this mean?
I suffered heavy periods and as a result had the lining of my womb removed. Is it true that I cannot get pregnant, even by IVF?
I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, does this mean I can't get pregnant?
How long does sperm live in the uterus and fallopian tubes?
Will having sex at a certain time in my cycle give me a baby boy?
I am 34 years old and trying to conceive.Is it true that I shouldn't walk much, climb stairs or be involved in physical activities until I conceive?
I've been taking erythromycin for my acne and want to become pregnant. When should I stop taking the tablets?
Both my fallopian tubes are completey blocked. Is there any way for me to become pregnant naturally, or is IVF my only option?
How soon is too soon to become pregnant after delivering a baby?
I use KY as a lubricant; will this affect my chances of getting pregnant?
I have irregular periods every 3-4 months, can I get pregnant?
I have a body mass index (BMI) of 14.5; what risks could I face during pregnancy?
Is it common to have light cramps if you have recently become pregnant?
I got pre-eclampsia with my first and second children. What is the chance of it happening again?
Is it safe to have an ECG done during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy?
What should I do if baby is moving less than usual 27 weeks pregnant?
I was prescribed ferrous sulphate recently as I had a slightly low iron levels. We are trying for a baby-can I continue taking ferrous sulphate if I am pregnant?
What are the possible birth defects the baby can have if I smoke marijuana?
Can I use a heating pad for my back aches during my pregnancy?
I am 44 years old and have very regular periods-is there anyway to tell if an egg has actually been released? We've been trying to get pregnant again for about 6 months but nothing yet.
My parents were told when I was born that when I wanted to have kids one day, that I would have to get a shot of a certain medicine and if I didn't, then my baby could come out with major disabilities. What could this be?
We have two cats and my husband won't clean their litter. What should I do to protect myself during pregnancy, short of giving away our cats?
What home remedies work to help to get a woman pregnant...I am taking flaxseed, prenatal vitamins....anything else I can do?
Does the woman have to have an orgasm to get pregnant?
I'm 20 weeks pregnant and my blood group is B rhesus negative (-). Is this going to be a problem?
Can you still get pregnant if you have used a lubricant?
I have had three operations to remove fibroids (myomectomies) with the last one being last year. Can I still have a baby and when can I try?
My husband and I are ready to have our first baby but I was on birth control pills from the age of 18 to 32. Will being on it that long affect me getting pregnant?
I have recently had my coil removed after 14 months. How soon can I become pregnant?
Does having a pap smear test done two weeks after my last period date affect my chances of getting pregnant?
My husband had dental X rays recently and I was sitting in the next room with the wall between us. I may be in the very early stages of pregnancy-should I be worried?
How long should I wait to start trying to conceive after taking acne medications? How can I be certain that the drugs is gone from my system to prevent any harm to the fetus?
What can I do to increase my chance of having a baby girl?
I have had my tubes tied and diathermised (burned). Is there any way to reverse this?
How long should I wait to get pregnant after having loop diathermy treatment to the cervix?
Can the sex of a 12 week fetus be determined from a picture of a scan?
I've been a heavy drinker for a long time and now want to get pregnant. Will this affect my chances of getting pregnant?
How will I know if the clomiphene works?
I've just had an ovarian cyst removed and my period came last week. How long can I wait until I try for a pregnancy?
Following a 7 week scan my new EDD means that I ovulated 10 days after having intercourse. Is this possible?
I am trying to get pregnant. Should I be taking any vitamins before pregnancy to help get my body ready?
I have been told that when having a third baby there is more risk of abnormalities. Is this true?
Ccan a female still in her thirties that smokes cigars on a daily basis have a chance at getting pregnant?
How long should I wait to try to get pregnant after taking oxytrecycline for acne?
I'm planning to have a baby and have just come off the pill. I am a beauty therapist in a busy salon, and perform treatments such as full body massages whilst burning aromatherapy oils, and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) hair removal. Will performing treatments such as these be harmful to my unborn child, as I get hot whilst doing massage and inhale lots of oil smells?
Sunday, 8 September, 2024
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