Glossary - Miscarriage
The loss of a fetus before 24 weeks of pregnancy)
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Can I have a baby after having three miscarriages?
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I am 4 months pregnant, my bump doesn't seem to be growing at all and I don't feel very pregnant. I'm worried in case it is a missed miscarriage. How can I know?
I am about 5 weeks and am experiencing some mild abdominal cramping and a light brown blood discharge - is this normal or could this be the beginning of a miscarriage?
I got pregnant the month after a miscarriage and D&C. Would I consider my "last period start date" the day I started bleeding or the day the actual D&C was done?
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I'm currently 22+5 with monochorionic twins after 3 miscarriages. I am being scanned every 3 weeks to monitor for TTTS and so far the fluid levels in each twin have appeared normal. I have been reading that perhaps 3 weeks is too long to go between scans since TTTS could come on suddenly. I was wondering if I should be asking to increase the frequency of scans? Also, should I be asking for a doppler ulrasound to look at cord blood flow?
I've recently had a miscarriage. Can I get pregnant right away or just when my period comes?
If there's a possibility of miscarriage how long will a pregnancy test show positive?
Is it possible to get pregnant after you''ve stopped bleeding from a miscarriage?
This morning when I went to the bathroom I noticed that there was light pink blood on the tissue. I've just found out that I am pregnant and am about 4 weeks. Am I having a miscarriage?
Sunday, 8 September, 2024
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