Glossary - Uterus
Related Questions:
At a nuchal scan-which gave a "low risk" result-part of the amnion had come away from my uterus. Is this common?
Doctors say they removed my womb (uterus). Would there be any possibility of me getting pregnant?
How long does it take for the placenta to be delivered after birth? Is it riskier to have a natural 3rd stage(and potentially risk haemorrhage) or to have the syntometrine (and risk the uterus contracting too quickly?) Are there any side effects to having the syntometrine injection?
How long does sperm live in the uterus and fallopian tubes?
I am 34 weeks and my doctor only measures my uterus at 30cm. Can something be wrong?
I'm 35 weeks pregnant and have been told that although the baby measures 35 weeks my uterus only measures 32 weeks. Is this a problem?
I've just had an operation to remove my tube due to an ectopic pregnancy and have now found that the other tube is scarred, I have damage to one ovary and also a bulky retroverted uterus. Is there a chance ever to conceive naturally or will I need help by IVF?
If I'm 20 weeks pregnant and the Doctor measured my uterus as 22 cm when it should be 20 cm does this mean that my dates are wrong?
My doctor said that my uterus is measuring small for 14 weeks....other than incorrect dates, what else could this mean and is it something I should worry about?
My doctor told me that I have a ''retroverted womb''. Will a retroverted womb (uterus) affect my chances of getting pregnant?
What happens if the egg is fertilised but doesn't attach itself to the uterus?
What happens when an egg is fertilised by a sperm. I know that if the egg is not fertilized it causes the uterus to thicken and bleeding happens. But if it is fertilized, will that egg move to the womb and my periods stop?
Sunday, 8 September, 2024
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