Christoph Lees BSc MRCOG
Christoph is a Consultant in Obstetrics & Maternal-Fetal medicine at
Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, UK. He trained in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology in London has until recently been a subspecialty fellow at the
world-famous Harris Birthright Research Centre for Fetal Medicine at King's
College Hospital. His particular interest is in dealing with high-risk
pregnancies. He edited the latest edition of the well-known textbook "Ten
Teachers Obstetrics" (Arnold Publishers, London, September 2000) and has
published many research papers.
Grainne McCartan RGN RM BSc PGDAE MA
Grainne qualified as a general nurse in Northern Ireland, and as a midwife in
London where she has practised both in hospital and community settings.
Grainne is a qualified reflexologist, family planning nurse and aromatherapist.
She has completed a BSc (Hons) in Midwifery studies at King's College London,
and recently gained an MA in Lifelong Learning from the University of London.
Having experienced at first hand the myths and confusion that abound in the
world of pregnancy, she is ideally placed to give the answers to help women and
partner understand and feel empowered throughout the events of pregnancy and